Michelle Floyd
Everyone seems to think I thought my dad was the definition of perfection
When the truth is I loved and protected him in spite of any indiscretion
He taught me Unity, Love , Joy and Forgiveness
In essence he taught me principles to be about my fathers business
His deliverance may not have always been acceptable to you or to me
But he was always honest and the truth was more important you see.
He was the wittiest of them all
A joy to be around
And when it came to his grandbabies
NO happier place on earth has been found
This time around, my faith for sure has been put to the test
In the mist I found GOD provided us the best
The best Dad you could ever have
The best Granddad in the world
The best life coach in my life
The man who taught me the principles of being a good wife
He may not have been a hero to the rest of the world
But he was the greatest hero of them all in the eyes of his little girl
I Love you Daddy and I’ll miss you more than words can say.
But now we have a guardian angel to watch over us from day to day.
Your Daughter
Sabrina Criteser
Give me my flowers while I’m alive
I like my flowers attached to stems that have leaves
That grow from vines or roots and sometimes attracts weeds
I like to smell them And see them and
I do not want them when I am dead…
Crowded by my casket, or tucked In my bed
Give me my flowers while I am alive
Tell me you love me when I can say i love you too
At the end of an argument as you storm out the door
Say i don’t want to fight, so I’m leaving now but…
I love you….I will mumble back “me too”.
Don’t wait till its to late, till I’m lying in my grave
Screaming you love me and how you wish I would have stayed
Give me my flowers while I am alive
Sit by my chair and talk sports, news and trash t.v.
I drink from my big cup as you sip your sweet tea
Eat anything you can find in my kitchen
Just don’t complain about the junk I feed your kids when you leave
A little pork won’t kill them, and sugar is nothing you can’t get rid of
By just brushing their teeth but…
Give me my flowers while I am alive
Call often and just ask how I am doing
Your loving daughter and grandson,
Sabrina and Sean
We will miss you immensely